In Khabarovsk in Russia’s Far East, are new went thousands of people onto the streets to demonstrate against the arrest of their former Governor, and the rule of President Vladimir Putin. The protest actions had on 11. July started two days after Sergei Furgals arrest and transport to Moscow under the accusation, one and a half decades, the assassination of entrepreneurs organised. Protesters and observers see the allegations as politically motivated elimination of a popular politician, was not the Moscow of the required results of the elections and the vote on Putin’s reform of the Constitution. Again, the protesters shouted slogans such as “Furgal is our choice,” or, with a view to Putin, “Down with the Tsar”. At times it rained heavily and there were less people in Khabarovsk on the road than on the previous three Saturdays, as each of tens of thousands had demonstrated. The newspaper “Kommersant” estimated the number of participants now on “many thousands”, the Kremlin’s loyalty to the city of Khabarovsk was the number of participants with 3500 and was eager to explain the decline in the interest of the citizens. Also in other Russian cities, it came to smaller rallies in Solidarity.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

The posting of a career politician on the ticket of the opposition “Liberal Democratic party” (LDPR), which also Furgal 2018 to the Governor’s office had been elected, from Moscow to Khabarovsk had fueled the resentment of the protesters last. On Thursday, the Moscow anti-corruption fighter Alexei Navalny ordered to the Executive Governor, Mikhail Degtjarjow, in addition, two expensive real estate in and near Moscow in the overall value of the equivalent of about one and a half million euros. Navalny is suspected, the politicians have the real estate, a house and an apartment, for participated as Zählkandidat in Moscow mayor elections in 2013 and 2018, and the father, respectively mother, two Doctors from Samara on the Volga, registered in Russia, the common property of obfuscation. Degtjarjow admitted that there are house and apartment””, but have thought up Bulk of Numbers; its, Degtjarjows, parents would have “worked a lot abroad,” and the house with his own money bought.

The Executive Governor of the Kremlin, the situation is under control, said this week in an Instagram post, some of the participants of the mass demonstration last Saturday, had been removed “knives and even a hatchet”. It Degtjarjow castle, you should stay “at home, his Affairs, take care of, Relatives and friends to help and take care of each other”. The newspaper “Kommersant” said the new Governor, in a conversation with him would have been “calms even the most aggressive against me-minded” Protesters “” and “believe me”. He Degtjarjow, have been said to the people: “you are already. Wait until September 2021, and then you elect a Governor. What, time will tell.“