Increase and publicity of the fine, police custody, cancellation of the license … The leader of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, developed on Tuesday a series of measures to toughen the sanctions against drug users, after the death of three young police officers in the North on Sunday.

“The problem is drugs,” said the boss of LR on RMC-BFMTV, about this accident on Sunday caused by a heavily alcoholic and drugged driver who was also killed.

“We cannot be satisfied with words, I believe that we must engage in a national fight against drugs, we must stop with a form of trivialization, of complacency”, assured the deputy of the Alpes-Maritime.

Denouncing a “murder” when someone takes the wheel while he has consumed drugs, he called for the fight against the “scourge” of an “exploding consumption, which has never been so high” but also against the “stupid legalization debate”.

He therefore proposed that “those who drive under the influence of narcotics” see “their driving license completely canceled” without being able to “take it again for a very long time”. Eric Ciotti also recommended increasing the fine from 200 to 1,000 euros, working to improve its recovery, today according to him only “40%”.

“I add an additional proposal: there must be publicity of the fines that are imposed, that is to say the name and shame (“name and shame”)”, through a publication “on a site of the Ministry of the Interior”, he continued.

Finally, the deputy considered that it was “not necessary to give up putting in custody” drug users, praising its “infamous” and “deterrent” effect.

23/05/2023 10:58:43 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP