The freezing of the assets of drug traffickers will enter into law in 2024, announced Monday, December 8, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, during his wishes to economic players.

“We will toughen our response to drug trafficking: a legislative amendment will allow us this year to freeze the assets of drug traffickers, as we already do for terrorists,” declared the minister, adding: “We must strike the drug traffickers in the wallet. »

Mr. Le Maire also warned on Monday that “the hardest part is ahead of us” in terms of savings to be made to restore French public finances, damaged by successive crises (Covid-19, war in Ukraine, inflation…). “I remind you that we must find at least 12 billion euros in savings in 2025,” he declared, after the adoption of a 2024 budget already placed under the sign of savings, with the end of the measures exceptional support for the purchasing power of the French.

“A law on France’s financial attractiveness will be presented to Parliament in spring 2024,” the Minister of the Economy also announced on Monday. “We have become the most attractive nation for investments in Europe. We were able to take full advantage of Brexit and attract the largest financial institutions on the planet to Paris,” he said, before declaring that such a law would “consolidate this place.”

As for the projections, the “first economic risk” in the world remains “geopolitical”, estimated Bruno Le Maire, highlighting “the return of war in the world and on European territory”. “A conflagration in the Middle East, growing insecurity in Red Sea traffic, an incident in the Taiwan Strait would call into question international stability and have a lasting impact on world trade,” he said.