a Passively watches in Sweden, how the coronavirus is multiplied after that, the middle class has become contaminated in the Norditaliens the ski slopes. The medical situation is quite different in Israel. Which one is active and which is used in the katastrofmedicinens of thinking, as opposed to the sävliga Sweden.

Israel is to be pro-active karantänpolitik in which several tens of thousands of currently isolated, at the present time, the 70, 000, to the detriment of the flourishing industry. The workers don’t come to work to infect their comrades. Schools are closed despite the fact that there are no princesses. Crowds of people and prohibits, in particular in view of the coming of the festival of rejoicing of Purim.

Soon, the swedes have banned
of the Aircraft from the affected countries, such as Italy, Switzerland, Austria, germany, Spain, and Germany, is prohibited to be used. It’s only a matter of time before the swedes, nor is it desirable in the country, is just as unwelcome as Margot Wallström, for a time.

as for the Israelis, who have visited the infected countries, are forced, in no uncertain terms, to isolate themselves in their own homes. The quarantine is called kardinalordinationen.

the human be overcome by one to call out the pensioners. It is the right of the cynical attitude is priceless. You want to make use of the definite risk category.

Just before I went down to Israel I went to a Lundaskola, where the students apparently have been in Italy, without prejudice to any other measures were put in place, than to the young people who have become snoriga or hostiga were asked to stay at home. Such a sagging would be a mortal sin in the state of Israel.

In Sweden, which is hit by a sjukvårdskris before coronan still hangs avskedshot of the medical staff, while the politicians and the bureaucrats to boast of, that our readiness is good.

Cynically, to call in the retired
the human be overcome by one to call out the pensioners. It is the right of the cynical attitude is priceless. You want to hire the firm at risk group, of elderly people with ailments who will be infected and spreading the virus on to other people.

So, is it possible for a country that provided medical care for the unprofessional, the administrators, the more afraid of his immediate dismissal, on the gray paper of their klantigheters the sake of the it systems in the katastrofsituationen. Is all of the time sjumilasteg for. That is what happens when the leadership refuses to obey, powerless, a clinical doctor’s warnings.

as a Physician and a writer.

READ MORE: : a Total of unconscionable that he is being denied coronatest. READ MORE: Why can’t everyone be tested for corona in spite of the symptoms. READ MORE: : Physicians: Why did the spreads of government disinformation about the corona?Swedish Kjell infected with a corona sitting in the quarantine: ”it Feels weird”