In Belarus has chosen the Regime for hardness. In the evening after the presidential election, to secure a permanent ruler Alexandr Lukashenka a sixth term, is particularly reported from the capital Minsk, but also from other cities of Belarus about clashes between special forces and protesters; against the Latter the noise can be, therefore, and stun grenades, tear gas and water cannons used. In Minsk a Arrestbus drove into a group of protesters and seriously injuring one of them.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

the Official post-election surveys, Lukashenka to write the eighty percent of the votes, his main opponent, Svetlana Tichanowskaja, only seven to eight. Unofficial post-election surveys has prohibited the Regime. But there, where they were possible, the result is a very different picture. One that corresponds to the past few weeks, in which Tichanowskajas Appeals for change, Dignity, and fair elections inspired the country, rather. The Belarusian service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported on post-election surveys in 18 foreign polling stations, where Lukashenka to come to a good ten percent, Tichanowskaja to more than seventy percent. About the messenger service Telegram, a number of photos of protocols from polling stations will be widespread with a majority for Tichanowskaja.

the participation rate was even according to official Figures are very high, pictures from Belarus to and from the missions abroad of the country show the long queues of voters. Many of them wore white armbands, a sign of the supporters Tichanowskajas. The candidate had called to fold the ballot for you in the manner of a concertina, the images also show many such slips of paper into the transparent ballot boxes. The size and width of the protests far beyond Minsk also distinguishes the situation in this year of the the year of 2010, when the Regime allowed protests against election fraud hit.

marching soldiers, water cannons have been locked in position

The Sunday were more and more streets and squares in the capital. Metro stations are closed, soldiers and police marched, mobile detention buses and water cannons were brought into position. Persons eligible to vote who were waiting in long queues in front of polling stations, were told prior to their closure by the security forces that they would not choose. Lukashenka had repeatedly threatened to let illegal actions with all the hardness dissolve. Alone on Sunday in Belarus, more than sixty independent election observers, journalists and supporters of opposition have been taken candidate. The Internet always worked worse, so the pages of opposition candidates, messenger services, finally, news portals. Most polling stations closed as scheduled at 19 o’clock German time, but had, according to the media, some reports open in Minsk and beyond. In the evening, were were taken at the end of voters firmly.