the postponement of The election in Hong Kong is international in the Chinese special administrative region of sharp criticism. The democratic forces in the Asian metropolis, spoke on Saturday of “electoral fraud”. Germany suspended the extradition agreement with Hong Kong. The Chairman of the human rights Committee of the Bundestag, Gyde Jensen (FDP), has called on the Federal government and the EU to do more for the democracy movement. “The pressure on China needs to be significantly increased, if the Situation should change.”

The Federal government should use the German EU-presidency for personal sanctions against a Chinese party officials on the EU level, called the human rights politician, Jensen. On the other, foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) had to cancel the delayed EU-China summit, quite. “Beijing may be no other platform offered.”

The Minister of foreign Affairs announced on Friday evening, the suspension of the extradition agreement. Germany had repeatedly made the expectation clear, “China’s compliance with its obligations under international law,” said Maas. This also includes the right to free and fair elections, which is entitled the people in Hong Kong belong to just.