According to several government and parliamentary sources, Elisabeth Borne will unveil on Wednesday April 25 a roadmap of the “hundred days” set out by Emmanuel Macron. This should contain a future digital bill: this text, currently being examined by the Council of State, could be presented to the Council of Ministers next week. It includes several measures to ensure “public order in the digital space”, according to a government source.

It will include the implementation of the “anti-scam filter” promised by Emmanuel Macron during his campaign, which must alert Internet users to fraudulent sites, as well as measures against cyberbullying on social networks and the removal of hateful content. It should also transcribe into French law the new European regulations on digital services and markets (DSA-DMA), including numerous obligations for the largest platforms, the list of which was announced on Tuesday by the European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton ( Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Google, Amazon…).

The text also provides for a “strengthening” of the device for blocking pornographic sites that would let minors access their content, a rule that Arcom, audiovisual and digital policeman, is struggling today to enforce.

This bill, carried by the Minister Delegate Jean-Noël Barrot, should be presented before the summer to the Senate and then to the National Assembly. The head of government Elisabeth Borne must present on Wednesday her roadmap of the reforms to be carried out during the “hundred days” announced on April 17 by Emmanuel Macron to relaunch her five-year term. She will outline the government program and then speak at a press briefing after the Council of Ministers.