As the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on the evening of the 10. July, in his speech to the Nation about the re-conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque speech, he quoted the Sultan Mehmet Fatih, conquered Constantinople in 1453, and the Church was converted into a mosque.

Rainer Hermann

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

The conqueror had said, who will also change the Status of Hagia Sophia, commit the most serious of all sins, and the curse of Allah, of the prophets and of all the angels laste forever on him.

It was Ataturk, the on 24. November 1934 has yet dared to do the conversion to a Museum. Already in 1931 he had arranged for that in the Hagia Sophia was prayed for.

atatürk’s culture revolution, will be revised

for the First time Muslims perform well on this Friday the ritual Friday prayer under the high dome of the in the year 537 inaugurated Hagia Sophia. Before the Danistay, the Highest administrative court had, on 10. July the Cabinet decision of November, 1934 repealed.

In that year, Atatürk had the cultural revolution, which is associated with his name, is largely completed. In 1928, the sentence from the Constitution was removed that Islam is the Religion of the Turkish state; law books, which have been taken from Switzerland and Italy, replaced by the law of the Ottoman Empire.

the training were Closed centres for imams, and the convents of the mystical brotherhoods. The “Chapter master” (mürsid) should follow the people, but of science as the “one true right way,” said Atatürk in one of his most famous phrases. He was convinced that a well-trained, Western educated people would turn away from the Religion.

The applause of the Christian, but secular country was to him in making its decision, to be sure, the Hagia Sophia into a Museum.

a gesture to the Christian-Orthodox Partner

Foreign policy played a role that Turkey with Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia in February 1934, the first Balkan Pact, with the aim of had signed, the great Bulgarian efforts to suppress and contain. Since the conversion of the Hagia Sophia was a useful gesture to the Orthodox Christian Partner.

The biggest influence on Atatürk, the American archaeologist and Byzantinist Thomas Whittemore exercised, however. Whittemore was, for the first time after the October revolution in Istanbul, where the lovers of the art of the Orthodox churches took care of the Russian refugees.