He doesn’t know what to say, because his father he has never met. Moses Lelesiit Ranger in the Kenyan national Park “Tsavo East”. As a Pilot, he carried out regular air patrols, until he crashed with his Cessna and died. Back, he left, among other things, his two children, Nasieku and Anwar, and his wife Abiba, who was then with the Recent, Lemayain, pregnant. Each year, Rangers of the Kenya Wildlife Service in the service of your life. NABU International supports survivors and ensure that their children can go to school. NABU/David Kariuki of The family suffers from the loss

education is the key to life

“When I found out that my husband is dead, I fell into a deep hole,” recalls Abiba. In spite of the great sadness, the everyday life had to go on living. Previously had taken care of her husband all the money matters. Now, you had to study them on your own, even with the school fees, which are not in Kenya cheap.

Moses Lelesiit was the education of his children. Because the state teachers, who must often deal with class sizes of more than a hundred students, are overwhelmed and are often on strike because of poor working conditions. Private schools offer smaller classes, better support and better chances in professional life to gain a foothold. NABU/David Kariuki Rangers in Nairobi National Park

“education is the key to life”, emphasizes Abiba. The NABU International Foundation for nature protection to support you and other families, and allows use of an international auxiliary to visit Fund a total of 115 children and adolescents, continues to be a private school or University. You also want to do something Good?

In the Advent FOCUS Online introduces every day a special history of the work of a charity organization or a non-profit Association. This Text was provided by NABU International Foundation for nature protection.

The NABU, with more than 750,000 members and supporters of the largest and oldest nature Conservation organisation in Germany. Since 2009, the NABU International Foundation for nature protection, a Foundation of NABU is committed worldwide to climate protection and the conservation of biological diversity. NABU International is involved primarily in the regions of the earth, where the original natural and cultural areas are still preserved, these come increasingly under pressure. Here you can find more information or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nabu-international

NABU International Foundation for nature protection

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keywords: Focus advent calendar

“COP or Ranger”

Even when in the service of the deceased Ranger to be honored in Kenya as a hero, Moses Lelesiit no-one brings back. In the past few years, Lemayain had asked his mother where his father is. “He’s with God,” she had answered. “And when we visit him?”

Abiba told, you were not then come every Time tears. Recently, they’ve taken to heart and he explained everything. Gradually Lemayain begins to understand who his father was and why he is no longer there. You ask him what he wants to be, he replies proudly, “a police officer or Ranger.” The work of the Ranger

Rangers are the last Bastion between endangered wild animals and those who want to kill you. Per year two to three Ranger by the fire dying in Kenya in the sectional battles with poachers or other criminal gangs, vehicle accidents, storms and Floods, and attacks by wild animals. Many more are seriously injured. A Ranger is killed during his deployment for the protection of nature and species, lose his family, not only a loved one, but also the main income for the whole family. Also serious injuries that lead to inability to work, bring up families, often on the edge of their existence.

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