Solari: “The Madrid when he falls always rises”

decisions pending Solari

Roma – Real Madrid: schedule and where to watch the game on television

So is the Group G

it Appears by the sports city of Rome a type of 1.95, arms muscled, 91 kilograms of weight, a beard half way between what hípster and the palaeolithic, and that is nicknamed The Skinny.

could Not choose a better nickname…The truth is that I do not know who put me the nickname, but when I got to Rome I changed it by The Commander. The fault this time is it…

He is Lorenzo Serafini, manager of the social networks of the club. “When he arrived we were puzzled because I did not play at Tottenham, while with us it was a leader from the beginning. I started writing on Twitter this of The Commander and we copied fans and journalists,” he says, to see that it has become the protagonist of the talk in the first question.

Then, Commander.Yes, Commander is much better.

laughs Federico Fazio (Buenos Aires, 1987), high-ranking military of this Roma faced Real Madrid in the Olympic. Where doesn’t joke so much in the field. In Seville established himself as one of the pillars defensive of a team sculpted by Monchi. And this Tuesday, except for Manolas, his new dance partner, life has not changed all that much.

what Has changed in football since I came to Europe 12 years ago?One may not realize, but the time passes very fast. Has even changed my position [in Seville began as a midfielder]. Today is study everything, there are more tools to follow the football. Recording the trainings, used the GPS, there is more physical work, is to measure the recovery, the rest… Even the life of a player is more professional. With social networking one puts up a picture and know what you are doing. Do you identify more with the rigour defensive Italian or with the individual leadership of defenses as Ramos? More with the leadership of Sergio Ramos within the locker room and on the field, to know how to handle the time of the game. How to go to Madrid, a day seems recovered and the next again in a crisis? Beyond the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo I don’t think there much of a change. It is a year after a World, in which almost all their players were, and it shows. As time passes iran is picking up the pace and will be better. For me, these results are somewhat casual. When they reach the playoffs will be in the fight. It’s easier to defend a Real Madrid side without Cristiano? Christian is a great player with a ability goleadora huge, but Madrid has other twenty-something players great can play without him. But I still have to adapt to playing without him after so many years and others to assume the leadership in the field. What has changed the status of the Roma in Europe after knocking out Barca last year?We had already eliminated Shakhtar, which is a great team, and that gave us confidence against Barcelona. In the Nou Camp gave an unfair result, but in the back I was very calm because I was confident in our potential.And we got the goal of Manolas. Do you know that in the Bernabeu revere him? [Laughs] it Is normal, are maximums rivals. But at Madrid he was on the verge of passing the same against Juventus and was spared at the last minute. When you came, the coach was Spalletti, who had an idea most classic of Italian football. Now, Di Francesco proposes another thing. Before the Madrid suffered a lot with the italians and now they usually win with ease. What is the change? Di Francesco has very clear ideas. From the first day gave us that wants to be an offensive team. Our game is pressing hard up and recover fast with the ball after loss. As it is fashionable to blame it all on Guardiola…Today there are great coaches. I don’t know if Di Francesco is modern, but has a style, and the computer knows to run.Can you imagine your life without Monchi? Almost all of my career I was with him. Is a person who likes to be near us and help us. For the Seville that decade was like these last few years for Madrid. Long-term, that is what matters, I don’t know of another one that better understands how to manage a club. And the crowd likes to always have an argentine on the field…I Think that the tifoso civil law is pleased with me and I am very comfortable here. For years this team does not win anything, but the winning mentality is something that you build gradually.

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