Horst Seehofer will not be first federal interior minister to participate in German integration Summit. The CSU chief will be represented by parliamentary state secretary Marco Wandering wit, said a spokesman of ministry. The interior minister, instead, briefly met Austrian Chancellor Sebastian to exchange views on current political issues.

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The speaker did not comment on reasons. At request of journalists in Bundestag, Seehofer named for information from time online participation of Türkeistämmigen columnist Ferda Ataman as a reason. She should have kept a speech after him. In a text, Ataman should have compared CSU’s migration policy with that of National Socialists. That was an imposition, said Seehofer in Bundestag.

Ataman himself regretted on Twitter this interpretation. In fact, in article in question, she criticized home ministry as a symbolic policy and Seehofer’s homeland term as one-sided, but did not take a direct comparison between party and National Socialism. On Germany one can be proud, “completely without blood and soil trigger,” wrote Ataman.

Criticism for rejection came among ors by Green chief Robert Habeck. “This is an affront to all volunteers, local politicians, teachers and teachers, all who save this federal government most valuable by working on integration Daily,” twittered Habeck. The federal government’s integration commissioner, Annette Widmann-Mauz (CDU), said Spiegel Online: “I regret that Horst Seehofer cannot take part in course of a schedule and I look forward to working closely with National Action Plan on integration.”

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The German integration summit is a conference held regularly in Federal Chancellery since 2006 with prominent representatives from politics and society. The outcome of first Summit was a national integration plan with more than 400 measures to better integrate people with a migrant background. The Tenth integration Summit will take place tomorrow Tuesday.