The Iraqi government criticized surrender of suspects Ali B. To Germany as a violation of law. There was no agreement between two countries on extradition of sought-after persons, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Baghdad. Both Kurdish regional Government and Germany committed infringement. Only Ministry of Justice of Iraqi central government has power to exchange information.

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B. is under suspicion that Mainzer Susanna F., who was found dead in Wiesbaden, was raped and killed on night of 22 to 23 May. He is now in custody in Germany. According to Public Prosecutor’s office in Wiesbaden, he was said to have been killed in interrogation by police.

At beginning of June, suspects Iraqi, with his family under a false name, had travelled to Kurdish autonomous territories in norrn Iraq and was detained re. Last Saturday, Kurdish security forces handed him over to regional capital Erbil German police officers, who led him back to Germany. The chief of Federal Police, Dieter Romann, had personally flown to norrn Iraq to pick up suspect.

The family of B. Had arrived in summer of 2015 via route Iraq-Turkey-Greece and travelled to Germany in October of year. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) rejected family’s asylum application for subsidiary protection in December 2016. The family complained in January against this decision and was refore allowed to remain in Wiesbaden for duration of court proceedings.