Because they blocked a street in Stuttgart last September, two young climate protectors now have to appear in court. But they don’t show up. As it turns out, they’re vacationing in Bali. The “Last Generation” sees no contradiction in this.

The flight of two climate activists brings the “last generation” in need of explanation. As reported by the “Bild” newspaper, Luisa S. and Yannick S. blocked commuter traffic in Stuttgart together with other activists in September 2022. The protest earned them a charge of coercion. Last Monday, the 22-year-old and the 24-year-old should have appeared before the Bad Cannstatt district court, but they apologized. According to the report, when asked by the judge, the two were on vacation in Bali.

The “Last Generation” explained the particularly climate-damaging long-distance journey of the two activists with their private lives. A spokesman told the “Bild” newspaper that the two had “booked the flight as private individuals, not as climate protectors. You have to tell them apart.” Critics were not convinced by this explanation. A shitstorm against the two climate activists and the “last generation” quickly developed on social media. According to the tenor, climate protection is not a profession.

The story quickly made the rounds in political Berlin as well. The incident caused a shake of the head, especially in the Union, but also in the FDP. The Parliamentary Secretary of the FDP in the Bundestag, Torsten Herbst, tweeted that the “climate stickers and their double standards” were remarkable. CSU General Secretary Martin Huber wrote: “It’s always the others’ fault: flying is bad for the climate clerk until they’re on the plane to Bali themselves.”

The “Last Generation” recently announced that it would significantly expand its blockade and disruption campaigns to all of Germany this year. Resistance will be greater than ever. One wants to carry disturbances “into every town and every village with more and more people”. The Federal Ministry of the Interior warned against the climate protection movement being monopolized by left-wing extremists.