The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder divided the CDU. Four months before the party wants to give in December, a new Chairman, to play some of the guide members with the thoughts, Söder, who is also Chairman of the sister party, the CSU, to make common candidate for Chancellor. To include the country Chairman Bernd Althusmann from lower Saxony, and Roland Heintze from Hamburg.

Konrad Schuller

Political correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Others are strictly against it and show yourself irritated that Söder pointed out in Bavaria to stay, but at the same time, in their view, constantly speculation about a candidacy-Stokes. Several sources from the leadership of the party and the Bundestag fraction that, in a conversation with the F. A. S.

At the same time, reports from Insiders of the two sister parties, the CDU-Chairman Annegret Kramp-confirmed-Karrenbauer have Söder during a telephone conversation on 6. July personally asked to do more to hold back. You’ve responded to a Interview, Söders, which was understood as Söder speak Laschet the three-candidate for the CDU presidency, the Northrhine-Westphalian Minister President Armin, the former group Chairman, Friedrich Merz, member of the Bundestag, Norbert Röttgen, the Suitability for office.

to identify, In the leadership of the group and the party is found to be full of indignation, that Söder have also given after you, Please Kramp cart Builder, again and again, the ambiguity of the last with the proposal, the joint Chancellor candidate of the CDU and the CSU in March. Then, Palatinate new country to be elected in the state of Baden-Württemberg and in Rhineland-days. The prospects of the CDU are considered to be uncertain, and some believe in the party, Söder wanted to use the moment of weakness, to put himself at the head of the entire Union.