This is a priority for Republicans following the false claims of former President Donald Trump that his reelection was stolen.

The new law comes after the Republican governor made voting legislation a focus this year, pushing the Republican-controlled statehouse to create the policing unit as states reevaluate their own election systems in the wake of Trump’s unfounded allegations.

DeSantis is running for reelection. He is widely thought to be a potential 2024 Presidential candidate. DeSantis has both praised last year’s election as smooth and suggested that more rules should be in place to prevent fraud. This is a clear indication of Trump’s influence over Republican policymaking. Critics argue that the law is unnecessary and politically motivated, while pointing out that election crimes can be handled by local prosecutors.

DeSantis, at Monday’s bill signing ceremony at Spring Hill’s sports bar, Florida, justified the creation of the new unit of law enforcement and suggested that the existing law enforcement might not be able or willing to fully investigate fraud cases.

“Some people may not be as concerned about the election stuff. It’s mixed to see how these reactions will be. He said that we want to ensure that laws are being enforced.

It is uncommon for voter fraud to occur, but it is often detected. A Associated Press investigation into the 2020 presidential election revealed that there were less than 475 cases of voter fraud from 25.5 million ballots. This was in six states where Trump’s allies disputed his loss.

Republicans across the country have highlighted the importance of restoring public confidence in elections. In the last two years, several voting laws were passed that aimed to place new rules around early voting and mail.

To review fraud allegations and conduct preliminary investigation, the law establishes an Office of Election Crimes and Security within the Florida Department of State. DeSantis must appoint a team of special officers from Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate the allegations of election law violations.

The existing state law permitted the governor to appoint officers for investigating violations of election law, but it did not require him.

It also makes it a felony to collect completed ballots from a third party. This is often called ballot harvesting. It increases fines for violations of election law and requires that election supervisors maintain voter lists on a greater frequency.

Democrats, who are the minor party in the state Legislature have criticised the bill as an attempt by DeSantis, to appeal to Republican voters who believe that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. Meanwhile, the governor flirts with a presidential bid.

“DeSantis’ election reform legislation is an ongoing attack by the Republican Party to create public distrust in our elections. Rep. Tracie Davis, a Democrat, said that the bill was unnecessary and a waste taxpayer funds.

A federal judge revoked portions of an election law that was passed last year. The ruling, which stated that the Republican-dominated state government was suppressing Black voters and required that similar laws be written in the next ten years, was issued in late March.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled that last year’s law was too restrictive in terms of when people can use drop boxes to submit their ballot. He also overturned a section that prohibited anyone from engaging in conversation with voters. He also blocked a section that required people who register voters to submit their permanent addresses and names to the state.

Walker’s ruling is being reversed by the DeSantis administration.