Marine Le Pen will refuse to be Prime Minister in the event of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the victory of the National Rally in early legislative elections, wishing to devote herself to the presidential election of 2027, she assures Saturday in an interview with Ouest -France. His party, supported by good polls, appears to be the political force that is benefiting the most from the current political and social crisis.

And, in the event of dissolution, “I think that we can envisage a majority”, estimates the leader of the RN deputies. There would then be “a National Rally Prime Minister at the head of a team made up of political forces who wish to participate in a government of national unity”, me, “I plan to be President of the Republic” in 2027, added the unsuccessful three-time presidential candidate. In the event of accession to the Élysée, she assures that she will reconsider the reform of Emmanuel Macron and the postponement to 64 years of the legal age of retirement.

During the presidential campaign of 2022, Marine Le Pen defended the maintenance of retirement at 62, however wishing to allow French people who returned before 20 years on the labor market to leave at 60 if they have contributed at least 40 annuities.

“I would propose to the national representation, or by referendum, to adopt (this) reform”, she affirms in Ouest-France, denouncing “the toxic relationship” that the head of state maintains with the French, “which he throws against each other, heightening tensions”.

After having long called for a referendum on pensions, Marine Le Pen called for the dissolution of the lower house after the use of 49.3 and the rejection of the motion of censure. “Emmanuel Macron will not go to the referendum, he is afraid of the people,” said MP RN.

And “he will only proceed with a dissolution if he is forced to do so”, that is to say, according to her, “in the event of a tragedy”.

In the RN, some executives remain worried about the risks of early legislative elections. By collecting 22% of voting intentions, the far-right party would certainly improve its June score by three points, according to a Harris Interactive study carried out in early March, but it would only have won about ten deputies, very far of any majority, even relative.