Increase support structures for victims of violence, better support for miscarriages, the government is launching a five-year plan in favor of equality between women and men which includes a hundred measures in different areas. “Several hundred million euros” will be devoted to this “ambitious and cross-cutting” plan, Matignon’s services said on Tuesday during a press briefing. Among the key measures is the doubling of the number of Women’s Houses, support structures for victims of violence, so that there is one per department.

To discuss this project, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will go to the Maison des femmes de Plaisir (Yvelines) on Thursday. Several measures have already been announced by the Prime Minister, such as the fact that the government plans to set up “specialized poles” in the courts in order to better deal with domestic violence. A file relating to perpetrators and victims of violence will also be set up.

Other measures are intended for single mothers: they will be able to benefit, for example, from a temporary childcare system in the event of hospitalization. In order to promote professional equality, the government wants to decline the equality index in the public service, as of this summer for the State public service. It will also relax the conditions for benefiting from maternity or paternity leave, reducing the duration of affiliation to Health Insurance to six months instead of ten from July.

To create a “culture of equality” from an early age, the government wants to reward schools “the most virtuous in terms of educational policy and school life” with a gender equality label. The government wants all establishments to be labeled by the end of the five-year term. The “equality between women and men 2023-2027” plan will be presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, on the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day. An interministerial committee led by the Prime Minister will be created to monitor its implementation and progress each year.