all around the world to develop a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, or, at least, any drug that might take the sting out of the contagion’s effects.


The Swedish daily newspaper svenska Dagbladet writes Erik Lindborg, an assistant professor in fluid mechanics at KTH in stockholm, where their bid for project funding to the research on weak shock waves in an acoustic field. On the Council’s website, was informed that he must ”indicate whether the sex – and-gender-appropriate” in his work. If he answers ‘ yes ‘ or ‘no’, then he must state the reasons for its position.

It’s the government who is behind all of this. It has directed the research council to ”promote a gender and a gender perspective will be included in the research, which is to be financed”. According to the government, will ”promote the research quality and impact”.
free-thinking scientists, demoraliseras of genusaktivismen

The academy of Sweden is seated in a day-lots and lots of scientists, and wonder if they are hypocritical to be total in what turned weird about the patriarchy påvekan of electrons, or a virus, in order to get the money for his research.

and, by extension, scaring the politicization into the silence. Eric Lindborgs type symptoms that his colleagues feared that he was not going to get any research money unless he is complaining to the public.

At the nation’s colleges and universities will be paired to the government’s done with a different type of gag, and imported from the united states. It’s all about the identitetspolitisk social activism, and monumental lättkränkthet. No one must be offended, and everyone can enroll in any of the abusive behavior. The most bagatellartade, narcissistic annoyance, or sadness needs to be taken deadly seriously.
From a gender perspective to the national perspective?

this is A grotesque example of this is the treatment of the Inga-Lill Aronsson, professor in the museum, and the kulturarvsvetenskap in Uppsala, sweden. She was uppläxad of the deputy of the head of the department, and the so-called ”likavillkorsspecialist” after that, four of the students declared themselves hurt in one of her lectures. Why is that? Aronsson, had said the n-word in a comment to a question about how to look at the now-controversial concept of the older directories.

One can hardly over-estimate how much of the development is for the higher education sector. And, as Erik Lindborg said, those who think that the present politicisation, is acceptable because it is still, well meaning what they say, if a different regime, requiring that all research should be ”from a national perspective?

READ MORE: to Their genusaktivism damage to our universities. READ MORE: , do not Let them steer the Swedish school system