The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced, on Sunday February 11, “the end of land rights in Mayotte”, “in response to the migration issue” in this French department in the Indian Ocean. “The President of the Republic has instructed me to tell the Mahorais that we are going to take a radical decision which is the inclusion of the end of land rights in Mayotte in a constitutional revision,” detailed the minister, who arrived Sunday morning in the archipelago.

This means “that it will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of French parents”, added Mr. Darmanin, affirming that “we are thus literally cutting off the attractiveness that there may be in the Mahorais archipelago”.

The minister arrived in Mayotte on Sunday morning with the Minister for Overseas Affairs, Marie Guévenoux, to address the security crisis and prepare an operation “Wuambushu 2”, “against illegal immigration”.