One month after start of second public investigation by Hamburg police after presumed violent participants of G20 protests, 18 of 101 wanted are identified. According to a police spokeswoman, re were no new identifications for first call for investigation of December last year. Of 107 suspects, Soko black block is now known to 35 people.

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In mid-May, police and prosecutors had published pictures of 101 women and men. They are accused of crimes such as severe land trespass, arson, dangerous assault or plunder.

In context of riots during G20 summit at beginning of July 2017, Hamburg courts condemned or issued criminal orders by beginning of June 84. The penalties range from 240 euros to a fine of up to three and a half years in prison, as a Senate response to a small question of left in citizenship emerges. 236 criminal proceedings were discontinued by end of May.

At end of May, police in Italy, Spain, France and Switzerland had searched apartments and meeting points of left-extremist scene. According to authorities it was mainly about riots in hamburger Elbchaussee.

In context of summit of world’s major economic powers, re had been violent riots despite use of more than 20,000 policemen. Protesters attacked policemen, set cars on fire, and plundered businesses.