Arms smuggling in wartime is nothing new. In Ukraine there are indications of such, some with military goods. Europol fears that terrorists could arm themselves through these channels. Or are the offers just Russian propaganda?

The European police authority Europol has indications of arms smuggling from Ukraine. There are cases of black market trade in firearms and military goods, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth, The Hague, confirmed to the media. Investigators from the EU member states also have indications of the trade in heavy military weapons. “There is a risk that these will fall into the hands of organized crime or terrorists,” the spokesman said.

First, the SWR reported about it and referred to a confidential document from Europol. The broadcaster quoted from the letter that according to investigators, “criminal networks are active in the region and operate or plan to smuggle significant quantities of firearms and ammunition, including military weapons”.

The Europol spokesman spoke of worrying risks. According to him, it was observed that individuals were leaving Ukraine with firearms. There is also concern that arms and ammunition are being stored along the border to be smuggled into the EU. Military weapons were also smuggled after the war in former Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

According to the spokesman, a mobile US anti-tank missile of the Javelin type was offered on the Darknet. However, it must be checked very carefully whether the offers are genuine. According to the spokesman, Europol does not rule out that the offers are part of Russian propaganda to create a mood against Western arms deliveries.