Eleven days before the important congressional elections in the USA, Republican Senate candidate Walker is coming under pressure. Again a woman speaks up that he is said to have paid for an abortion – although he is campaigning as a vehement opponent of abortion.

Republican candidate Herschel Walker continues to struggle in the race for a key US Senate seat. On Wednesday, a second woman came forward saying the former football player urged her to have an abortion. Walker is a staunch opponent of abortion – the revelations could undermine his credibility. Walker rejected the woman’s statements during an election campaign, as reported by the TV station NBC.

The Senate post for Georgia is important because the majority in the US Senate is so tight. There are a total of 100 seats there – Republicans and Democrats each occupy 50 of them. In the event of a stalemate, Vice President Kamala Harris, a Democrat, will tip the scales. In view of this wafer-thin majority, every seat counts. There are 14 Democrat-held seats and 21 Republican-held seats up for vote in the current round of elections. In the majority of the races, however, it seems certain that the party affiliation of the seats will not change. In addition to Georgia, there are also open races in Pennsylvania and Ohio. President Joe Biden’s surprise win of both seats from Georgia had given Democrats control of the Senate in 2020 after a six-year hiatus.

A few weeks ago, another woman told The Daily Beast and the Washington Post, among others, that Walker gave her money for an abortion. Walker also denies this. Both women wanted to remain anonymous to protect themselves and their families. The second woman said she was pregnant by Walker in 1993.

At the beginning of October, Walker’s son Christian had also turned to the public. In an online video, he accused his father of making the family a “ridicule”, among other things. “You’re not a family man. Every member of Herschel Walker’s family asked him not to run because we all knew his past.” However, Walker decided to show his family the “middle finger”.

Walker’s side, on the other hand, was ex-President Trump, who played a key role in the former football star’s candidacy. “You are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future,” the right-wing populist said. Trump urged Georgia voters to vote for Walker in November.

In Georgia, residents have been able to vote since Monday last week, while the actual election date is November 8th. Then the elections will not take place in the south-eastern state, but in the entire USA. The entire House of Representatives, which is similar to the German Bundestag, and a third of the Senate, to which each state sends two representatives, are up for election. Around a million votes have already been cast in Georgia, according to State Secretary Brad Raffensperger, who is responsible for elections. Georgia has a population of 10.7 million, of which, according to official figures, a good 7 million are registered voters.

Normally, senators in the United States are elected for six-year terms. Incumbent Raphael Warnock is now standing for re-election for one of the seats, because two years ago it was only about the end of the term of office of a predecessor who had resigned. Walker challenges him for the Republicans. According to the latest polls, Democrat Warnock is slightly ahead.