So far, the Arab countries have kept a low profile when it comes to criticizing Russia. At their summit, however, they took a clear stance against the use of force in Ukraine and called for a peaceful solution instead.

The Arab countries are insisting on renouncing violence in the Ukraine war. Instead, the 22 member states of the Arab League are calling for a political solution to the conflict, according to a final declaration after a summit organized by the organization. The countries want to remain neutral.

The Arab world is reluctant to criticize Russia and its war of aggression against Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin was also not mentioned by name in the statement. However, some observers saw the fact that Moscow’s ally Syria was not reinstated among the ranks of Arab heads of state and government as a defeat for Russia. The Arab League suspended Syria’s membership eleven years ago because of the brutal civil war there.

At the beginning of the summit, Putin praised the cooperation between Russia and the Arab states as a contribution to peace in the world. At a UN General Assembly about three weeks ago, almost all Arab countries voted in favor of a resolution condemning Russia’s illegal annexations in Ukraine. Many Arab states are suffering from the effects of the war: Ukraine, for example, is one of the most important suppliers of grain in the region.