Under great public attention has been answered on Wednesday, the Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, in the parliamentary Ibiza-Committee of inquiry questions about the time he led the ÖVP-FPÖ government. The Committee wants to investigate – the of the Opposition formulated in order to as “the alleged venality” of the government; the occasion of statements by the then-FPÖ-Chairman Heinz-Christian Strache, in a secretly-recorded Video in Ibiza. Short reproach of venality rejected for himself and his party categorically.

Stephan Löwenstein

Political correspondent, based in Vienna.

F. A. Z.

the survey conducted by the Chancellor would promote sensational news to light, had not expected even the opposition deputies. Short explained that it is for the government of everyday life belong to, that the occupation of Posts within the coalition vote would be held; finally, in the Council of Ministers unanimously decided had to. That he had personally taken influence to the fact that certain people on Post, he denied. In particular, he referred to the fact that the competent Minister or members of the Supervisory Board have decided.

Specifically, among other things, to the suspicion that a right-wing man in the Executive of part state of happiness has been lifted, the game company Casinos Austria, without that he fulfilled the formal qualification. Another gambling entrepreneur should ensure that he has the support of legal advantages have promised to get. Both individuals deny the allegations.

“I was in Ibiza”

The Opposition criticised the fact that the Federal Chancellery had not submitted any relevant documents, in particular the appointment in the calendar of Short. Of the was in turn to have his deselection 2019 in compliance with the law all the files of the Federal archive. His exchange of messages – for example, Strache – he could not submit, because he’ll regularly all SMS messages on his mobile phone to delete. Basic safety reasons, be Shortly said, and hinted that his international contacts.

Publicly said Shortly afterwards: “I can contribute little to Ibiza, because I was in Ibiza.” He did not know who made the Video. Therefore, he can only explain how the Federal government works and how personnel decisions are made. We must distinguish between “the necessary decisions and potential law-breaking of some of the FPÖ Party, which I reject, of course, be sharp, if it has taken place”.