According to police, at least 40 people were injured in a fire at railway line in Siegburg near Bonn. Six of m were seriously injured, said a police spokesman. The fire brigade, meanwhile, spoke of 12 wounded. The different data told police that ir numbers would include all those who needed medical care on ground – for example, because of a circulatory weakness. The fire brigade only counts people who have been directly injured by fire.

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According to police, eight houses were affected by fire. The great dryness and heat have certainly played a role in rapid development of fire, said a fire brigade spokesman. An estimated 200 to 300 intervention forces were on ground. A Bundeswehr water cannon and a helicopter were also required. Residents and residents should keep windows and doors closed, ventilation and air conditioning systems shut down.

According to first findings, an embankment fire had attacked houses. The city of Siegburg assumes that a train has sparked and caused fire. Later y qualified this statement: Or causes of fire are also possible. The railway, in turn, warned of hasty conclusions. A train spokesman said that cause of fire could still be “no conclusive statement”.

According to WDR flames are still burning in many places, because it is very windy. Explosions have been heard again and again. According to WDR, fire brigade suspects that gas cylinders have burst into garages.

Ice-Route Cologne-Frankfurt closed

The long-distance traffic of Deutsche Bahn is affected by fire: The ice traffic was stopped on line between Cologne and Frankfurt am Main. It was unclear how long line remained closed, railway shared. The first step was to examine extent to which damage to infrastructure had been caused.

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Long-distance trains between Cologne and Frankfurt are currently being diverted through Bonn. In addition to numerous delays, it could also lead to cancellations. Many regional trains and suburban railways are also affected.