Torture, murder, rape and expulsion: According to Kyiv, numerous atrocities have been committed by the invading troops since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. Dozens of alleged perpetrators are now under investigation. Partly with success.

According to its Attorney General, Ukraine has so far identified 186 suspected Russian war criminals. Only a few of them are already in custody, said Attorney General Andriy Kostin in The Hague. The scale of the crimes is immense, he said. There is evidence that every type of war crime has been committed since the outbreak of war, such as torture, murder, rape or expulsion.

In 45 cases, according to Kostin’s information, the investigations were closed and handed over to the court, 10 people have already been convicted. In addition, according to the European judicial authority Eurojust, 20 investigations were opened in other countries. The international special unit on war crimes in the Ukraine war had come together at Eurojust. Seven countries and the International Criminal Court are working together on the investigation. Most recently, Romania joined the group.

After the recent Russian rocket attacks, Ukrainian investigators are collecting leads and evidence, the Prosecutor General announced. He spoke of “acts of terrorism” that would be prosecuted. “Every missile impact, every explosion, every hit on a civilian target – everything is documented.”

According to Ukrainian sources, Russia attacked the capital Kyiv with Iranian-made drones early in the morning. There was “another attack with kamikaze drones on essential infrastructure,” said the deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, without giving any further details.

The Russian army carried out numerous rocket attacks on Ukrainian cities on Monday. For the first time in months, rockets fell in the capital Kyiv and in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. The attacks sparked international outrage. According to Ukrainian sources, at least 19 people were killed and more than a hundred others injured. The attacks continued on Tuesday.