protesters have overthrown the only Statue of a Confederate General in Washington. They dragged the 3.4-Meter-high statue of Albert Pike (1809-1891) on Friday, the day of remembrance of the abolition of slavery in the United States, from the Socket, lit a fire and chanted: “No racist police” and “No justice, no peace”, a Slogan of the Anti-racism movement Black Lives Matter. Most of the protesters returned after the fall of the Statue peacefully in Lafayette Park near the White house. The police watched the scene, a handle but.

The American President Donald Trump criticized mayor Muriel Bowser and demanded the immediate arrest of those Involved. The police don’t do their work, he tweeted. It was a Shame for the country that the Statue “had been burned”. The beach image is made of Bronze; the melting point is more than 800 degrees Celsius.

Floyd’s death fanned the debate again

Pike had fought in the civil war from 1861 to 1865 in the pages of the southern States, who fought for the preservation of slavery. It was repealed after the victory of the Northern States in the entire United States.

The action occurred on the fringes of protest marches for the unofficial commemoration of “Juneteenth”, which commemorates the end of slavery prior to now 155 years. “Juneteenth” is a box of word of the words June and 19: 19. June 1865 had proclaimed a General of the Union troops in Galveston, in the state of Texas for the release of all slaves.

155 years later, the debate around the crime of the time is currently: Triggered by the death of the Black George Floyd in a brutal police operation in Minneapolis go on for weeks again and again, American citizens took to the streets to protest against systematic racism and injustice.

From New York to Los Angeles took place on Friday demonstrations, common prayers and celebrations. Thousands of people took to the streets to commemorate the end of slavery 155 years ago. Trump advised meanwhile, prior to his first mass rally since the beginning of the Corona-crisis, a sharp warning to potential participants of protests in Tulsa.

The democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden reminded the American citizens on the occasion of “Juneteenth” by this, “that our country is the worst kind of violence and injustice, but also an incredible ability to be born again”.