in view of the increasing Coronavirus infections is pleading rules, the Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, for tougher penalties for breaches of the Corona. “Who endanger others intentionally, you must expect that this has serious consequences for him,” said Altmaier, the German press Agency in Berlin. “We must not endanger the incipient recovery that we experienced a renewed increase in infections.” Not only Altmaier fear currently, a second wave of Infection, and repeated stronger restriction of public life. Since mid-July, the Coronavirus rise in case numbers in Germany faster. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Saturday morning on the Internet, reported the health authorities within one day, 955 new Corona-infections (data 1.8., 0: 00).

“A further aggravation of the Situation must be avoided at all costs,” wrote the RKI in its latest report on the situation. “This can only be achieved if the entire population remains engaged, e.g., by keeping distance and hygiene rules consistently – even Outdoors, indoor spaces ventilated and, where warranted, a mouth-nose cover correctly wearing.” The large majority of the population is behaving extraordinarily responsible, praised Altmaier. “What we are experiencing in the moment, increase in Risk, Essentially goes back to the careless and sometimes irresponsible misconduct of a very small number of people,” said the Minister. “We need to bind more effectively than in the past and in cases where it comes, therefore, to infections and outbreaks, effective sanction: This includes fines and penalties if there is intent or gross negligence.”

In the countries there are different systems of Fines for violations of Corona rules, for example, if the minimum distance is not adhered to, public transport, no mouth-nose protection is worn, or “Corona-parties” are celebrated. “I strongly urge that one may get on in buses and trains only if you can show proof of a protective mask, or when Boarding a acquires if you has the own forget,” said Altmaier. “Anyone who drives without a mask Bus or train, not to endanger yourself, but others. If a Party in a small basement pub, in violation of all distance and hygiene rules for the Super-Spreading Event, it is not a trifling matter, and must if necessary be punished.“ Under a Super-Spreading Event is an event that many people infect.

SPD-Head of Saskia esque calls meanwhile, in the face of rising infection numbers, a significant expansion of the Corona Tests in Germany. Need a strategy that will allow it to identify area-wide and at the same time, targeted Tests infections at an early stage and to reduce further contagion risks, is esque of the düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” (Saturday) said. “There’s responsibility in Federal, state, and local is now asked for and required.” Just those who are race in of the question of loosening ahead, should now take all necessary precautions to prevent a second wave. “The undisputed need for a Europe-wide strategy must not stop you from to take on the here and now responsibility.”

“I just see the realistic danger of a second wave,” said esque next to the Berliner “Tagesspiegel” (Sunday). The SPD Boss warned: “We can afford to have no domestic carelessness. Many institutions now try again in the usual normality-that is, in the old structures to return. This is absolutely understandable, but potentially dangerous to life.“ Esque, warned: “It is now a lot for our country in the game.”