Adrien Quatennens soon back in the ranks of rebellious France? According to Le Parisien, the deputies of the group will vote to authorize, or not, his return among them. Tuesday April 11, the former number two of LFI should therefore be fixed on his fate.

Sentenced for domestic violence against his wife, on December 13, 2022, to a four-month suspended prison sentence, he was first suspended before being expelled from the group for four months. This sanction expires on April 13.

In order to rejoin the group, the only condition that had initially been imposed on him was participation in a course against violence against women. After his conviction, the deputy from the North always ruled out resigning, a decision for which he was supported by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. But within the group, opinions differ. The Ile-de-France daily announced that the return conditions had been discussed again, this Monday evening, April 3, during the office of the group which brings together around twenty deputies.

“It will be necessary to verify that the conditions that have been set will be met or not. If these conditions are met, if he has done his internship, I am in favor of his reinstatement,” argues Manuel Bompard, national coordinator of La France Insoumise. “There may be people who feel that the conditions are not right. We are a democratic group: everyone will vote for or against”. Some MPs say they are very opposed to his return. Just like the three other groups constituting the Nupes. But they will not be called upon to speak.

Adrien Quatennens, who had sat since his return as a non-attached member, now “wants to return to combat”. “He will take the place that events will restore to him. He does not want to rush the group, ”explains his entourage.