
The internet has officially become the top source of news for the majority of adult online users in Germany, surpassing traditional television broadcasts. According to the Digital News Report 2024 by the Oxford Reuters Institute, 42% of Germans over the age of 18 now primarily get their news from online sources, while 41% still rely on TV. The report also states that 67% of adult internet users in Germany use digital news services weekly to stay informed.

Although online news consumption is increasing, traditional media outlets such as TV, radio, and print still hold a significant share of the market. 45% of Germans regularly consume news from these traditional sources, with and T-Online being the most popular online providers. Transparency and high journalistic standards are cited as the main reasons for trust in news.

When it comes to specific internet sources, social media leads the way with a weekly reach of 34%. Younger demographics, especially those under 35, heavily rely on social media for news content, with WhatsApp, YouTube, and Facebook being the most popular platforms in 2024. In fact, 16% of 18 to 24-year-olds consider social media as their sole news source.

Despite the increase in online news consumption, there is growing concern about the rise of AI-generated news. The use of artificial intelligence in journalism is met with skepticism by many online users, with half of them feeling uncomfortable with news predominantly produced by technology. Additionally, there is a demand for news media to provide diverse perspectives on current issues, with only 43% of users feeling satisfied with the current coverage.

The annual study conducted by the Reuters Research Institute and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research has been tracking news consumption trends since 2012. The latest findings shed light on the challenges of distinguishing trustworthy news from false reports, especially on platforms like TikTok. As the landscape of news consumption continues to evolve, it is essential for both media outlets and consumers to adapt to the changing dynamics of the digital age.