the wife of the Deputy Krisper, this Wednesday, the ÖVP-Chairman, Chancellor Sebastian is Short, as the Respondent is charged before the Ibiza-Committee of inquiry. On the infamous Ibiza-Video, Heinz-Christian Strache and Johann Gudenus were to see two former FPÖ-politicians. What has Short to do with Ibiza?

Stephan Löwenstein

Political correspondent, based in Vienna.

F. A. Z.

The ÖVP is doing everything to make the Ibiza affair, a pure right-wing Causa to. But it is not. The ÖVP is deep inside. There is corruption process, in which the ÖVP-led close persons as Accused. That’s why we want to dedicate ourselves to this week, the ÖVP, to make the image as big as it deserves to be.

Who has charged the Committee as respondents?

The Ex-Minister of Finance, Hartwig Löger, the then Secretary-General Thomas Schmid (today head of the state holding ÖBAG; Red.) and the Mentor by Sebastian Kurz, Walter Rothensteiner. They are Accused in the ongoing investigation process (the presumption of innocence; Red is.). In addition, the government coordinator, and today’s Minister of Finance, Gernot Blümel and Short’ former Deputy, Bettina Glatz-Kremsner, the Casino’s Director-General, was. This is a very closely knitted network, we are the reconnaissance work want to start in the direction of the ÖVP.

What is it?

In this U-the Committee, the government Short-I (the coalition of the ÖVP and the FPÖ 2017-2019; Red.), the question of abuse of power, Post-haggling and corruption in the FPÖ and the ÖVP. Strache and the FPÖ were perhaps clumsy and brutal and insolent. But to belong to a Tango Corrupti two. And in this dance, Sebastian Kurz, the Chancellor has led.

keep it Short for the corrupt?

It’s running a corruption case against the ÖVP-close to the actors. We will explore the question of the extent to which the Chancellor of these and other issues, the investigation Committee is looking at, knew or was responsible for. We know in Short as someone that is concerned with its “turquoise” force on control. That is why it is thought impossible that he knew of many of the operations, nothing. Apart from this, there are of course a systemic responsibility, because he was Chancellor and övp Vice Chancellor and the freedom party has left the feed troughs.