The timing could be less favourable hardly. During the Corona pandemic, has hit Spain as hard as a few other States in Europe, by the king’s house is undergoing one of its most serious crises. On the day of the alert condition entered into force, renounced king Felipe on the legacy of his father. On the message from the sharpest fall since the Spanish civil war the farewell letter from Juan Carlos followed.

no matter how painful it was: Felipe had no choice than to distance himself from his father. He doesn’t have to do everything so that the monarchy is sinking in the maelstrom of corruption allegations against the retired king. Juan Carlos has proved that the monarchy of Spain can be in difficult times, an anchor of Stability. Without it, the “transiciĆ³n”, the Transition from dictatorship to democracy would be different. He bravely held on his way in a new Spain. The more tragic his departure is now.

In a age is to become Juan Carlos, apparently tired, has lost the vision and the degree. True, what a day, new details of his questionable financial management known, he himself has harmed his reputation the most. But it remains the case that it has so far convicted no court: Juan Carlos is a fugitive from Spanish justice, as his critics to him, but is ready to cooperate with investigating bodies.