Jörg Meuthen is likely to have on Saturday a sigh of relief. The Federal arbitration court of the AfD held in Stuttgart, although only about the membership of extreme Right-wing Andreas Kalbitz. In consequence, the judge decided, but also about the political future of the AfD-Chairman. Had thrown in may be all the weight in the weighing pan, and the cancellation of the party’s membership of Kalbitz achieved, because this is supposed to have hidden his affiliation to the neo-Nazi homeland-faithful German youth. And the reaction came promptly. A Parteimob fell over Meuthen. Especially a used “wing” called a part of the AfD bombarded him with accusations. The honorary Chairman Alexander Gauland felt Meuthens behavior as so seriously wrong that he had any power, political neutrality, which he had connected to his volunteer work, travel, and Meuthen publicly threatened. He indicated that it would be for Meuthen closely, if the decision of the arbitration court would be tilted. And that he believe that’s what’s going to happen.

Gauland was wrong, and with him a whole squad of Meuthen critics, including the other party’s Chairman Tino Chrupalla and the group Chairman, Alice ryegrass.

It was negotiated in Stuttgart, so, on more than just a Right-wing extremist and his party book. Notwithstanding the legal questions, two political consequences were to choose from. First of all, The continuation of the previous pattern. According to the it was AfD-Chairman is not yet possible to banish representatives of the party of the far right wing. Bernd Lucke, failed, Frauke Petry as well. The whole party groaned under their Try. Secondly, The creation of a precedent, in the example of a prominent extremists, it was demonstrated that there is a limit. Everyone in the AfD knows that the legal maneuvers of both sides, are just proxy wars. Politically, it was a question that Kalbitz, the head of an extremist was under-flow, party politics and official bodies over made. The party wing was a party in the party. Even if Meuthen don’t want to admit it in Public, it was what he punished Kalbitz. And he has won the battle.


In the Public eye is relatively there is often a certain amount of inhibition, to welcome good developments in the AfD. Good is a relative term is, in fact, particularly in this party. He could sound as if the extremism dripping party was washed clean. As a step in the right direction means a kind of Absolution. Of which by no means can be in the speech. The AfD extremists will not tolerate at all levels of your system. But at the very least, smash the undemocratic structures of these extremists and one of their leaders away. That is a good thing.