Russia has been attacking the infrastructure in Ukraine for weeks. Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko is therefore concerned about the approaching winter. When the temperatures drop, the city of three million people faces a major challenge, he says in an interview with ntv.

In an interview with ntv, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, warns of further attacks on the Ukrainian infrastructure with a view to the winter: “If it gets to minus 10 or minus 20 degrees outside, which happens every winter, then we have real problems.” According to Klitschko, the targeted attacks on the critical infrastructure would show the “true face of this war”. “This is genocide, this is not a special operation, this is not a war against the military. This is a war against the people.”

Thousands of emergency shelters are to be built in Kyiv to protect them from the cold. According to Klitschko, many buildings such as schools and kindergartens have therefore been renovated and made more energy-efficient. People can stay for a longer period of time and are well supplied with food, for example. According to Klitschko, that’s still not enough for the three million residents of Kiev: “It’s far too little. We can help some people, support them, but that’s a big challenge for us.”

Nevertheless, he does not advise the citizens of Kiev to leave the country in winter. Because that’s exactly what the Kremlin ruler Putin would speculate on. “My advice to everyone: we will fight – definitely. We have enough reserves of food, water, medicine.” Nevertheless, according to Klitschko, it will be difficult for Ukraine. “We hope for a good one, but we also have to reckon with a bad scenario.” Klitschko therefore advises the Ukrainian population to stock up on supplies, warm clothes and power banks for the winter.

You can see the entire interview with Vitali Klitschko tonight in the “RTL Nachtjournal Spezial” from 12:25 a.m.