In the course of the filming of the music video for Lady Gaga’s new single, ”Stupid Love”, you can see the beautiful have to suffer for her art.

In the movie, the Instagram show, Lady Gaga is how she is completely nude in a bath with ice. Her pink hair is pinned up in a knot, and she has the white pads under your eyes.

” I’m in the fucking desert in an ice bath, to the motherfuckers what the, I love my fucking fans, that is, on the side of the tub, screaming for her camera.

Then, she says in the film, to show to the fans ”where they are”. The film shows the side of the tub, where you can see a tribute to the fans, a hand on her iconic tassposition, and the text ”little monsters” as she calls her fans.

” I love you, little monster. Stupid, love, ” she says, then.
New single release
She returned to the text of the film, when she is lying down in the ice bath, where she writes: ”I want to be your #stupidlove the little monsters…forever. Through the heat, and the iskylan.”

According to the Metro, is usually the artist, bathe in the ice bath after the shower to recover from the energetic performances.

Stupid, Love is going to be the first single from the upcoming album. The album is her sixth studio album, and it is rumored that it will be called ”Chromatica”, according to the Metro.

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