Marine Le Pen would significantly improve her 2022 score if the presidential election were held tomorrow, according to an Ifop-Fiducial poll for Le Figaro Magazine and Sud Radio published on Wednesday.

The leader of the National Rally would collect 31% of the vote if the first round of the presidential election took place next Sunday, in the case of a single candidacy from the left around Jean-Luc Mélenchon (22%) and facing Edouard Philippe for the presidential majority (28%).

In 2022, Emmanuel Macron had won 28% of the votes in the first round, Marine Le Pen 23%, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon 22%.

If the left did not leave united, Marine Le Pen would come first (29%) ahead of Edouard Philippe (26%), but it reaches 36% of voting intentions in the event of a candidacy of François Bayrou for the presidential majority. (9%).

Gérald Darmanin would do a little better (11%) but Marine Le Pen would then attract 35% of the vote. Bruno Le Maire would rise to 18% against 32% for the candidate of the National Rally.

“His image has completely changed and so has the structure of his vote. It’s no longer the FN vote of yesteryear, it’s now a catch-all vote”, explains to Figaro the boss of Ifop, Frédéric Dabi, of which another study published on Wednesday reveals that a majority of those questioned consider that Ms. Le Pen is “close to the concerns of the French” (58%, 2 points in one year), “attached to democratic values” (57%, 4 points ), “competent” (52%, 6 points) and “capable of reforming the country” (51%, 8 points).

47% of respondents also consider that Marine Le Pen “has the stature of a President of the Republic” (5 points).

If the left left in scattered ranks, the Insoumis leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon would collect 20% against all the candidates of the presidential majority, except Edouard Philippe: his score would then drop to 17%.

The communist Fabien Roussel would collect between 5 and 6.6% of the votes depending on the configurations.

The Republicans behind Laurent Wauquiez would make between 4% (Philippe hypothesis) and 10% (Bayrou hypothesis). Eric Zermmour would oscillate for his part between 6 and 7%.

The polls are not a prediction but a photograph of the balance of power at a given moment. Moreover, four years before the election, the presidential race has not yet started.

Surveys conducted online, that of voting intentions on March 30 and 31 with a sample of 1,105 people, that on the image of Mrs. Le Pen on March 28 and 29 with a sample of 1,002 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over, according to the quota method. Margin of error between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

04/05/2023 15:59:43 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP