While still a minor, Kristin L. joined the terrorist group “Islamic State” in 2015. After her return to Germany, she was arrested immediately. Now the public prosecutor’s office in Jena has filed charges of membership in a terrorist organization, possession of a weapon and aiding and abetting bodily harm.

The federal prosecutor’s office has accused a woman of membership in the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS) before the state security senate of the Thuringian Higher Regional Court in Jena. In addition, she accuses the Germans of violating weapons law and assisting in bodily harm, as the authority in Karlsruhe announced. According to a spokeswoman, the court has not yet decided whether to start a trial.

Officials from the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Police Office arrested Kristin L. at the beginning of October when she entered Frankfurt Airport. Since then she has been in custody. She is said to have traveled to Syria via Turkey as an adolescent in March 2015, joined IS there, married an IS fighter according to Islamic rites and raised their daughter in accordance with IS ideology.

The family received monthly payments from IS. L. took part in the association’s faith and language courses and tried to persuade other women in Germany to leave for the IS. She had an automatic rifle and a shotgun and in March 2019, after she surrendered, cheered on another inmate in a Kurdish camp in Syria when she physically abused a suspected “apostate”.