“Chiche, let’s work together!” In an interview with Le Parisien posted online on Saturday May 27, Gérald Darmanin invites the Republicans to a compromise with the presidential majority for a text on immigration which should see the light of day in the fall. A call to work together which follows two very firm legislative proposals from LR on the subject of immigration, one of which provides for the inclusion in the Constitution of the possibility of derogating from the treaties and European law in terms of immigration.

“There will be no agreement at any price. Everyone must take a step,” said Gérald Darmanin, recalling that there are “sixty LR deputies in the Assembly. Alone, they are not able to have their proposals adopted, and the government for its part does not have an absolute majority to have its own text voted on. “We can keep our text, already adopted by the Senate Law Commission, by discussing together the amendments to modify it. Would the LRs absolutely want us to refile a new piece of legislation together? We are ready for it if it is discussed with centrists and radicals,” he said.

Among the LR proposals that he retains, he cites “the conditioning of visas, with the modulation of development aid to the countries concerned, the implementation of consular passes, the discussion around unaccompanied minors, the 360 degree control of applications for residence permits”. He also says he is ready to lead discussions on the opening of social benefits from 5 years of residence in France. On the other hand, freeing oneself from the European treaties would be “a migratory Frexit”, insists the minister.

Faced with Eric Ciotti’s party, which opposes it, he defends “the regularization of immigrant workers, who respect our values ​​and have worked on our territory for several years”, stressing that “the French are in favor of it, including on the right “. On the introduction of quotas, “we have already said that we are ready to study these proposals. But be careful, on the right of asylum, for example, it is impossible to put quotas, “warns Gérald Darmanin.

As for the proposal that asylum requests be formulated outside the territory, “this measure is inapplicable”, he decides, “except outside the Geneva Convention of 1951” in particular.

In terms of timing, “what is important is that in October we discussed a text in the Senate, then in November or December in the National Assembly,” said Gérald Darmanin.