the activities of The Western Pomeranian CDU Bundestag Deputy Philip Amthor for an American company is now a party internally for significant criticism. “With something like that makes you look politically vulnerable. A Deputy should always be in the Clear, what are the consequences of your own Actions. Loss of trust weighs heavily,“ said the acting Chairman of the CDU Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Eckhardt Rehberg, on Monday the German press Agency in Schwerin. In the “picture Live”, he commented on the Actions of Amthors running for the presidency of the country-CDU, with the words: “This was not just smart and clever, what he has done.”

Rehberg,who is also a member of the Bundestag, said that he would not work for an American company, but for from his constituency. He did not believe that Amthors behavior arrives at the people “well at all”. “Who paid for the air travel, who paid for the Nights, which is orders of magnitude has it?” Rehberg said. “There are a couple of points are still open.”

Amthor is expected, according to information Rehbergs to the land Board meeting on Friday in Güstrow. There will advise on further action in the case of the scheduled Board election, announced the 66-Year-old. Amthor is after the withdrawal of the Minister of justice, Katy Hoffmeister is the only candidate for the election, which was postponed due to the Corona pandemic.

Amthor is in the criticism, because he had used in letters and conversations with the Federal government for the American company Augustus Intelligence. After the publication of a “mirror”report, Amthor had called on Friday for his work for the company as an error. Although he had shown a side job for the company in the case of recording in the past year, the Bundestag administration official. “Nevertheless, I have made myself politically vulnerable, and I understand the criticism. It was a mistake,“ said Amthor. He had completed the secondary activity and share options are not exercised.

“the power of The state may not commercially be”

nationwide received by Amthors contribute to the debate on transparency in the case of ancillary activities of members of the new food. “Ask with a decent lobby activities such as the Philip Amthor our democracy to add a great deal of damage,” said the organization’s members watch and pointed to a further in addition to activity of the young politician for the law firm White & Case. Members watch called for the immediate introduction of a mandatory lobby register. Transparency Germany demanded, a Commissioner for transparency in the political representation of interests use.

The Left-Chairwoman Katja Kipping suggested Amthor, his mandate to submit. “Parliament, government, justice – the state, violence may not be for sale, otherwise the democracy is in question. You must also avoid any semblance of venality,“ said Kipping. The Left wants to apply to the case of Amthor, who is a Current hour in the Bundestag. “The facts on the table,” said Parliament’s managing Director Jan Korte, of the news Agency AFP.