weakness always comes at an inopportune time, but for Alexandr Lukashenka particularly inappropriate. On Tuesday have begun in Belarus in the presidential elections, to usher on Sunday, the sixth term of office of the permanent ruler. However, economic weakness and the Corona pandemic have given the Opposition against the 65-year-old autocrat of unprecedented inflow. While Lukaschenkas main opponent, the 37-year-old Svetlana Tichanowskaja, thrilled with two comrades-in-arms masses, speculated on the condition of the President. Last week Lukashenka in front of the soldiers said he had managed to survive a Corona infection symptom-free. As he appeared shortly before the security Council with a bandaged wrist, speculated by some to hide an Infusion. When the President then appeared on Tuesday in Minsk Palace of the Republic to the lectern to hold a repeatedly postponed speech on the state of the Nation, he gasped, and dabbed his sweaty forehead.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

Lukashenka promised that the average will double wages in the next five years, otherwise but little. Rather, he spoke about the terrible world, in Belarus the “only quiet member in the center of Eurasia” was. He defended his lax Corona-policy and complained about the youth, the cheering in large numbers Tichanowskaja. The youth was “our, we have raised”, but in the hands of the “puppeteers” and had before the “evil acts” are protected. The Regime expects protests against election fraud. Lukashenka warned that “forbidden” actions: The reaction to it come promptly, “the collection is the hardest”.

“massacre in the center of Minsk”

often Lukashenka has summoned external dangers, and plots, in order to present itself as the guarantor of the Belarusian security and independence. Now it hits just the great allies With Russia, he has connected many of the imprisoned opponents, even Tichanowskajas spouse, the Blogger Sergei Tichanowskij. “A hot war, there is not yet, it will not be shot,” said Lukashenka. But I am trying to “organize in the centre of Minsk, a massacre”. Belarus is in a “hybrid war”, it would have brought “billions of resources” and “latest technologies” in position.