That Moscow rejects any interference in its internal Affairs, is old hat. That a German foreign Minister warns the Kremlin against the violation of German sovereignty, is already rare. That this foreign Minister, blames the American allies for trying to “dictate to the EU energy policy”, is new, if not surprising.

The Controversy between Berlin and Washington in security and energy policy of the Kremlin are well known. As for the proof of the German-American alienation in the Minister Pompeo visited the outside, while Maas’ Visit to Moscow several neighboring countries of Germany but not Berlin.

In the dispute over the Nord Stream 2 are hardened the fronts. Washington threatens with sanctions, Berlin reacted with “astonishment”.

This open-term conflicts in Germany will weaken the Position in relation to Russia. However, the attention of Moscow would not grow well, if Berlin followed the commands of Trumps, and the Pipeline project still on the last meters stopped. It was for strategic reasons, the gas business with Moscow to expand. A right of veto, Washington concedes that a lack of foreign-policy errors, but not.

Germany and America would have to urgently find ways to pursue different interests, that Putin is laughing in the end. Under Trump is not to be sought in Washington, but even then.