French Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune officially turned the page on Friday of the latest diplomatic crisis between their two countries, announced the Elysée, which claims to want to continue to “strengthen cooperation” between Paris and Algiers with very tumultuous relations.
During a telephone interview, the two heads of state cleared up the “misunderstandings” linked to the falling out over a Franco-Algerian activist and “agreed to strengthen the communication channels (…) to prevent this type of regrettable misunderstanding is renewed,” added the French presidency in a press release.
The Algerian presidency issued a press release identical to that of the French.
Despite a ban on leaving the territory in Algeria, activist Amira Bouraoui entered Tunisia on February 3, before being arrested when she tried to board in the direction of Paris.
She was finally able to fly to France on February 6 despite an attempt by the Tunisian authorities to deport her to Algeria.
Algiers had judged that his departure for France constituted an “illegal exfiltration” carried out with the help of members of the French diplomatic and security personnel and recalled its ambassador to Paris, Said Moussi, for consultation.
“President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has informed the Head of State of the return to France of the Algerian ambassador in the coming days”, according to the press release, confirming statements to this effect by Mr. Tebboune this week.
In addition, a new French ambassador to Algeria is about to be appointed, a French government source said.
Ms. Bouraoui rose to prominence in 2014 when she opposed a fourth term for then-President Abdelaziz Bouteflika before becoming involved in the “Hirak” protest movement.
She was sentenced in June 2020 to one year in prison before being granted provisional release in July of the same year.
After a severe cold snap in the fall of 2021, France and Algeria had sealed a warming during Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Algiers last August, before this new estrangement, yet another twist in very close relations. restless.
According to the press release, the two presidents “reported on the bilateral relationship and on the implementation of the Algiers Declaration signed during the visit of the President of the Republic to Algeria last August. stressed the need to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in all areas, in view of the state visit to France by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune”.
The Algerian Head of State is expected in France in May, a particularly important milestone in the attempt to bring these two countries together, which share very strong human and historical ties, marked by colonization, the war of independence and Algerian immigration to France.
This desire to restart is part of a context of major diplomatic maneuvers between France, Algeria, and Morocco, Algeria’s regional rival, which also maintains close relations with Paris and hardly appreciates its desire for rapprochement. with Algiers.
The end of the French policy of restrictions in the number of visas for the Maghreb, recorded in December, had hinted at a new era in diplomatic relations but the Bouraoui affair had marked a swerve, as it regularly happens.
“The two presidents also addressed regional stability issues, in particular the fight against terrorism in the Sahel”, concludes the French presidency, Algeria being a major player in the Sahelo-Saharan strip, whose countries (Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Burkina Faso) are confronted with very active jihadist groups and where France deploys an important military force.
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