Marine Tondelier set out her vision of the crisis the country is going through in an interview with the Sunday Journal (JDD) of April 30. The national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) also confides in it how she envisages the upcoming elections.

“First, state it clearly and simply: we will have a single candidate from the left and environmentalists [for the presidential election] in 2027. We propose that a cooperative of good wills which would play the role of campaign committee for 2027, ”she explains. Marine Tondelier evokes “the broadest possible framework, which associates, on an equal basis with political parties, associations, unions, citizen collectives, artists…”

Marine Tondelier advocates that this “cooperative” offers “a method” for the appointment of this candidate. But “it is clear that the primaries with militant applause in recent years have not brought happiness to those who have used them, regardless of their political camp,” she notes.

“If the debate for the next four years boils down to ‘Mélenchon, stop or else’, then it will be a failure,” argues the environmental leader. She believes that the nominated candidate will have to present “ability to federate, to appease, to dialogue”. “To get out of the manly competitions of the past, it might be time to trust a woman,” she adds.

No joint candidacy for the 2024 Europeans

She also confirmed that she still refused the common candidacy of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) proposed by La France Insoumise (LFI) in the European elections of 2024. LFI had even invited Marine Tondelier to be at the head of a common list for this electoral ballot.

“Consistency and the project must take precedence,” she explains. What are our differences about? On topics that are far from a detail for us! Our relationship to China, Ukraine, European defence, etc. We want a more social Europe, yes, but also stronger and more federal. Faced with the crises we are going through, we believe that Europe is part of the solution, not part of the problem. »

Marine Tondelier also confided her analysis of the crisis that the country is going through: “Since the start of the social movement against pension reform, the government has been betting on decay, weariness and oblivion. But the exact opposite is happening. There is a real breach of trust between Emmanuel Macron and the French. He can give his government “a hundred days” or more, that won’t change a thing. The people have memory. »

The Hauts-de-France regional councilor finally deplores the violence against environmentalists in France which, according to her, has “never been so palpable. Every day, political activists or associations are intimidated, threatened with death “. She announced the launch in May of an observatory on violence against environmental activists.