Stuttgart’s mayor Fritz Kuhn (Greens) has condemned the riots in the city centre of Stuttgart sharp. “One thing must be clear: There must be no no-go areas in Stuttgart,” said Kuhn on Sunday morning on Twitter. “I am shocked by the outbreak of violence, the attacks on the police and the destruction in our city. This is a sad Sunday for Stuttgart.“

on Saturday night, had rioted, according to police, several hundred people in the city, police cars were thrown and shops looted. More than a dozen police officers were injured and 20 people were detained temporarily. Advance to the police was gone, according to the control on the occasion of a drug offence, in which many Revelers against the officials of solid were linearized. The people, many of them masked, pulled, therefore, riotous in the direction of Palace square.

“The Situation is completely out of control,” a police spokesman said early on Sunday. In the Morning, the unclear situation is calmed down then. The police reported that on the morning of 20 arrests and more than a dozen injured police officers.

More than 200 police officers from the Stuttgart surroundings were temporarily in the state capital, called to get the situation under control. Police helicopters flew over the city. In the Morning, the police secured the tracks. Details and background to the riots were not initially communicated.

On Twitter were video recordings of young men, came against the window panes of shops or paving stones out of the ground cracks. The police spokesman said: “It was really on a rampage.” A lot of shops were affected, in addition to vehicles. There had also been looting.

the priorities had been of the Palace square and the adjacent king street, which is known as Stuttgart’s shopping mile. A Video shows how a masked attacker jumps a COP from behind in the back.