Romania calls, in the light of the Coronavirus outbreaks in the meat industry, better protection of its citizens in the German slaughterhouses. The working and living conditions of employees should be improved “urgently”, said the Romanian Ambassador in Berlin, Emil Hurezeanu, the Newspapers of the Funke media group. The criticism of the working conditions in the meat industry had become “too right, always violent”.

The meat company Tönnies in the East Westphalian Rheda-Wiedenbrück, there is a massive Coronavirus outbreak with more than 1550 positive tested employees. Hurezeanu said, half of the employees were Romanian nationals. His country expect, therefore, that the Federal government is implementing legal projects for a better regulation of the industry.

“to operate, Hopefully, more transparency”

Romania welcome “the project of the Federal government a stronger regulatory framework for the employment in the battle,” said the Ambassador. It lead “and hopefully more transparency and Clarity” in the work conditions, as well as “a responsibility for the company”. The need for reinforcement of controls by the local authorities but it is.

The conditions in the German meat industry for years in the criticism. The Federal government had already brought in may new pads on the way. It is provided, among other things, a prohibition of works contracts, the from 1. January 2021 to apply. Thereafter, only employees of the own company of animals to slaughter and disassemble. The Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) wants to prefer the adoption and entry into force of the law now.