In addition to 630 refugees from rescue vessel Aquarius, Spain has received more than 1,400 more migrants since Friday. In Alborán sea in western part of Mediterranean and off coast of Canary Islands, a total of 1,412 people had been rescued from more than 70 boats, maritime rescue mission shared with m. In addition, between Friday and Monday noon four corpses were recovered and search for 43 people on two boats reported as missing, it was said.

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On Monday, too, Spanish coast Guard was in use several times. She had discovered three inflatable boats with a total of 102 people, anor rescue ship had brought 50 people to city of Almería. The rescue workers were still looking for a boat with 54 people aboard. It was suspected near Strait of Gibraltar.

This year, according to United Nations, more than 13,000 migrants have reached Spain via Mediterranean. The fact that boats are now increasingly emerging from Spanish coast is due, among or things, to recent refusal by Italy and Malta to leave ships with migrants on land. Most prominent case in recent times was Aquarius, a ship of relief organizations SOS Mediterranée and MSF without Borders. 630 people in Mediterranean had picked up a good week ago. It was only on Sunday that y were given permission to go ashore – in Ostspanischen Valencia.

France offers support to Spain

According to deputy head of government, Carmen Calvo, French government has agreed to relieve Spain and to accept refugees. About half of Aquarius passengers wanted to apply for asylum in France, said Calvo.

Their first night in Spain spent most of Aquarius refugees in different accommodations. Ten people were treated in hospitals on Monday, as regional government in Valencia shared. Where migrants were accommodated is kept secret by authorities.

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The Spanish government has granted refugee a 45-day residence permit to clarify its legal status. According to ir data, Aquarius represented people with 31 nationalities. Most of m came from Sudan, Algeria, Eritrea and Nigeria. 68 minors are among m, including 46 unaccompanied.