The German Mehmet Y, who was arrested on Sunday in Bulgaria, has been placed under house arrest. A district court in city of Varna established a maximum of 40 days of arrest at instigation of Turkey. According to Public Prosecutor’s office, Mehmet Y. is not allowed to leave hotel in which he had been staying in Varna for his holiday.

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Y. was three days ago at Warnafestgenommen Airport. It was said that re was a call for appeal against him, which was based on a conviction in Turkey. The Turkish authorities should intend to apply for ir extradition. In past, Government of Bulgaria has generally responded to such requests from Turkey. According to information from news agency AFP, District Court of Turkey requested documents required for an extradition. For time of examination, house arrest.

The 44-year-old, who, after research by WDR and NDR, works as a refugee advisor at Caritas in Bonn, has Turkish citizenship alongside Germans. A Turkish court in Adana is said to have sentenced him to a long-term custodial sentence in absentia for alleged work in banned Kurdish Workers ‘ Party PKK. Mehmet Y. Had come to Germany in 2001 and was naturalized after a successful asylum procedure 2009.

According to Foreign Office in Berlin, embassy in Sofia serves Mehmet Y. Consular. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who travelled to Turkey on Wednesday on his inaugural visit, had announced that he would want to use seven German prisoners for political reasons. “It is no secret that development of Turkey, especially human rights situation, worries us and overshadows our relations,” Maas said before his departure. He will openly address se issues. On specific case of Mehmet Y., minister said: “We want to make an effort to answer open questions.”