According to media reports, Turkey has been arrested by a Turkish-German citizen in Bulgaria. According to research by WDR and NDR, it is 44-year-old refugee manager Mehmet Y. From Bonn, who had fled to Germany for political reasons. It was said from Foreign Office that case was known. The embassy in Bulgarian capital Sofia supervises man consular.

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The arrest should be done on Sunday by Bulgarian police in resort Varna. Against Y. Have an international search order at Interpol, a so-called red Notice. Y. was never informed of this search order. Now he is in custody. He was threatened with delivery to Turkey.

The call for investigation is based on a conviction in Turkey, reports NDR and WDR, citing minutes of his arrest. A Turkish court in Adana should have sentenced him to a multi-year prison sentence for alleged work in banned Workers ‘ Party of Kurdistan (PKK) in absentia. Then Y. fled to Germany. 2001 he received asylum according to his family, 2009 he was naturalized. However, Turkish authorities did not dismiss him from citizenship, which is why he owns both a German and a Turkish passport.

Red notices at Interpol are criticized for being politically instrumentalized. In particular, incidents have been increasing in recent times in Turkey. The left-wing MEP Sam Dağdelen called for Turkey to be excluded from Interpolkonvention. Bundestag vice-president Claudia Roth (Greens) spoke out for reforms: “The control system of Interpol is completely failing if authority can now be turned into a relocation of despot, and that is not first time it has happened.”

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In August 2017, among ors, Cologne writer Doğan Akhanlı was arrested on basis of such an inquiry in Spain. Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Turkey of misuse of Interpol. Two months later, Akhanlı was allowed back to Germany. In July 2017, Kemal K. was arrested in Ukraine. It was first released under conditions, in February 2018 it was said that Kemal K. was back in Germany.