as a Journalist Johanna Karlsson wrote, at the new year, the number of articles, which, among other things, points out to a restaurant to have taken advantage of a 14-year-old Suravi, who he had married in Bangladesh, brought to Sweden.

< Suravi, came to Sweden when she was only 14 years old, and was forced to work without pay in her husband's restaurant.Photo by: Private , all of Johanna’s articles on the abuses of the restaurants around Möllevången has been very difficult.Photo credit: CHRISTIAN ÖRNBERG Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode
We have been using her as free labor for a decade before she managed to break free. Suravi is now at a different location in Sweden.

this was reported to the police in January to the report on the basis of Johanna’s article was, in the middle of January of this year, but the report does not in any way affect the landlord.

as the Prosecutor, Anna Edebalk, says that the evidence is simply not available to me.

“a suspicion of trafficking in human beings will lead for the prosecution, I need to be able to prove that the person employing, or transporting a person in a particular function, such as forced labour,” she Edefalk.

When it comes to Suravi, she came to the us, which the wife of the accused of the landlord. It was back in 2006.
to be time-Barred after 15 years of age
There have been a number of years, but it’s not really that important. The crime of trafficking in human beings, a 15-year statute of limitation, ” she Edefalk.

Suravi itself has in the past been reported to the police, his exman, that he had been violent. However, the investigation was shut down, there was a vague.

Anna, edefalk’s areas of responsibility are still like the first attracted the attention of the new york times, stated that her investigation looked at the other circumstances of the case. She writes:

”to the extent that in connection with the investigation findings of another offence, a separate notice in respect thereof is to be established.”
