An elected official from La France insoumise accused. An investigation was opened after a complaint filed by a police officer accusing LFI deputy Éric Coquerel of having hit him in the face on Monday morning during an operation to unblock dump trucks in Aubervilliers, said the Bobigny prosecution. “I formally deny this accusation,” reacted the elected official to Agence France-Presse.

The investigation was opened on the grounds of intentional violence against a person holding public authority, and entrusted to territorial security. The policeman, assigned to the Saint-Denis police station, accuses the deputy, following “a crowd movement”, of having “dealt a blow with the back of his closed fist”, and says he “received the blow at [his] left cheekbone,” according to the complaint viewed by Agence France-Presse.

The police intervened Monday morning to unblock a Veolia dump truck garage in Aubervilliers. Protesters were blocking access to the site, a police source said. The deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis explained that he went to the Veolia garage “in support of the garbage collectors”.

“As soon as I arrived, I found myself, with my colleague Bastien Lachaud (LFI), facing the police strongly pushing back the demonstrators. The load was such that it generated a strong jostling, during which I almost fell several times, ”says the chosen one. The policeman, who declares “feeling pain in the left cheekbone”, must go to the medico-judicial unit to determine the number of days of ITT which “is not yet known”, specified the parquet floor of Bobigny .